Inspired by Sarah's newest blog post (Check her out! , I thought it would be fun to do the 100 questions game...
Here you go. Just a little way to get to know the real Tracy even better. =)

(Random indeed, LOL)
1. Grab the book nearest to you. Turn to page 18, line 3. (What does it say?)
The Carrie DIaries - Candace Bushnell "He winked at you. In calculus class."
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you touch?
3. Before you started this survey, what were you doing?
Watching TV and having a snack.
4. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
Selena, the movie.
5. What color are your sheets?
Black. (Yea, thats right!)
6. What time is it?
7. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
My TV, the TV in the living room and someone mowing the lawn outside. (Can someone say noise pollution? Wow.)
8. When were you last outside? What were you doing?
When I came home from work at 5am!!
9. Did you dream last night?
I don't specifically remember dreaming but apparently you always do.
10. When did you last laugh?
Today, when my sister and I were 'attacking' our mother to get my cell phone back.. we seriously got abs, laughed 5 minutes straight!
11. What color are the wall in the room you're in?
My bedroom walls are grey. =)
12. Seen anything weird lately?
Yes, yesterday before work on St-Laurent street there was a man wearing S&M clothing being whipped by someone else as people recorded it. (Gotta love Montreal Grand Prix! Right?!)
13. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Hangover 2. (Hilarious!)
14. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
The caribbean. Love the culture, lifestyle and beaches!
15. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
A house for my parents and a house for myself.
16. Tell me something about you that most people don't know.
I'm a collector of many items. I want to be surrounded by things I love.
17. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would it be?
Simple. Feed the hungry.
18. Do you like to dance?
19. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Yes, and I'd like to at least once in my life before I settle down. Change is good.
20. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
Ummm nope.
21. Who made the last incoming call on your phone?
Murddock. =) (King Jelani)
22. What was the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
One of KOD's songs =)
23. Last time you swam in a pool?
Last week.
24. Type of music you like the most?
25. Type of music you dislike the most?
Heavy Metal.
26. Are you listening to music right now?
27. What is on your bedroom walls?
A lot of pictures, art and quotes.
28. If you could change one thing about your home, without worrying about expenses. What would it be?
The outdoor space. Make it bigger, add a pool, jacuzzi and gazebo.
29. What was the last thing you bought?
Baguettes for dinner.
30. Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?
Yes. My uncle has one and my father knows how to drive them as well.
31. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
Yes, I'd love to try sky diving.
32. Do you have a green thumb?
No, I wouldn't say I do.
33. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
No, I don't sing it often enough. But I do know most of it.
34. What is the first thing you think of in the morning?
Gotta check my phone and what time is it?
35. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
36. Who sent the last message to your phone?
David, all the way from CT. =)
37. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card in?
Winners / HomeSense (Brand name clothing, accessories & housewares)
38. What time is bedtime?
Whenever I'm tired & it also depends on what has to be done in the morning.
39. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
LOL, yes I have. (Miss Portugal of Montreal)
40. How many tattoos do you have?
3 at the moment.
41. How many piercings do you have?
8. =)
42. What did you do for your last birthday?
I had an amazing time at Beachclub with my closest friends.
43. Do you carry a donor card?
Yes, I've signed a organ release card.
44. Who was the last person you ate dinner with?
My mother last night.
45. Is the glass half empty of half full?
Imma go with half-full!
46. What's the farthest away place you've been?
Touched down in Germany but i'd have to say Portugal.
47. When's the last time you ate something homegrown?
In Portugal, my grandma has fruit trees.
48. Have you ever won a trophy?
Nope, but wouldn't that be nice?
49. Are you a good cook?
No, I can't say that I am. Sorry guys.
50. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
Of course I do.
51. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
Yes, all of high school and to be honest it was great.
52. Can you type without looking at the keyboard?
Sometimes, but mostly not.
53. What's under your bed?
Books and other storage (blankets etc..)
54. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. I think you need to really know someone to fall in love with them.
55. Think fast, what do you like right now?
Summer and the sun!!
56. Where were you on Valentine's day?
Can't lie, being treated like a queen.
57. What time do you get up?
Depends on when I go to bed.
58. What was the name of your first pet?
I've only had fish.. so I cannot remember.
59. Do you receive any magazines in the mail?
Yes, Cosmo.
60. What are you doing next weekend?
Going up north for a birthday with my ladies.
61. How are you feeling right now?
Lazy. Hey, it's a sunday, what can I say?
62. What do you think about the most?
What Im going to do with my life that I actually enjoy...
63. What time did you get up in the morning?
Well it was one in the afternoon.
64. If you had a BIG win a lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
Not long and I wouldn't allow for people to act differently around me, it shouldn't change a thing.
65. Do you sing in the shower?
66. What do you do most when you are bored?
Check the internet / social networks or watch TV.
67. What was your last job?
Being a travel counsellor at Voyages Campus.
68. What's your dream job?
Something that allows me to travel, have time for my family and make people happy. Something that suits me will come along.
69. Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
The chicken.
70. How many keys on your key ring?
Two. My house and car key.
71. What kind of car do you drive?
Honda Civic
72. What's your favorite color?
73. What are your best physical features?
My eyes and my smile. (Thanks mom and dad!)
74. What are your best characteristics?
Loyal, affectionate, open-minded and caring.
75. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
76. What kind of books do you like to read?
77. What is your favorite time of day?
78. Where did you grow up?
79. What are you reading now?
The color of water. (A Black man's tribute to his white mother.)
80. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
Only if I rly push down my nose =P
81. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?
82. How many rings before you answer the phone?
Depends on how far I am from the phone...
83. What is your best childhood memory?
Spending summers in Portugal with my sis and grandparents.
84. What is most important in your life?
Love, Family, Friends and Serendipity... <3
85. Who is your favorite actor / actress?
Will Smith and Julia Roberts.
86. Favorite musical artists?
Trey Songz, Keri Hilson, Drake, Wiz Khalifa, Usher, Beyonce.
87. What is your natural hair color?
89. Do you want to get married? Have kids?
Yes and YES! (Only with the right person)
90. Favorite TV shows?
Sex and the City, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, 90210, Desperate Housewives and Criminal Minds.
91. How old are you?
Turning 24 this month.
92. Any hobbies?
Painting/Drawing, photography, dance.
93. Favorite soft drink?
It has recently changed from Coca-Cola to Ginger Ale.
94. How many siblings do you have?
1 sister. Love you!
95. What are your fears?
Long airplane rides, extreme heights, being surrounded by insects.
96. Favorite foods?
Sushi, Seafood, Steak with egg & fries, meat lovers pizza and peanut-butter dumplings.
97. Ever been to Disney World/Land?
No, but I'd love to!
98. What do you buy the most of?
Pharmacy products. (Nail polish, hair products, makeup etc...)
99. In relationships how would you describe yourself? And what is your longest relationship?
A hopeless romantic who likes to have fun. Treat me right and I'll be your queen. Longest relationship was around 4 years.
100. Who inspires you?
My grandparents. They've done so much with their life and hearing their trials and triumphs has been very inspirational. <3