However, I've made sure to make certain decisions to ensure I do not have too many regrets, a bad reputation or unnecessary drama. Its inevitable to run into problems or people whom think differently than you do but living in Montreal it's especially difficult with its "2 degrees" of separation between people.
This isn't a rant, and no matter what I love this city but there is one thing everyone should remember...
If you know the person you are and you're comfortable with it then no one can bring you down.
If someone wants to talk badly about you they are just insecure in themselves and have nothing better to do, focus on yourself and there is no better time to do so then NOW.
Don't ever lose yourself because thats when you'll truly be unhappy.
A lot of times we think we want something, we work hard to convince people that we're worth it and personally I'm done doing so.
If someone doesn't see how wonderful, caring and smart I am then it's 100% their loss.
No ifs ands or buts about it.. if something is meant to happen, I truly believe it will.
-Me, Myself & I discovering what truly makes me happy.

Amen girl...