My parents have been married 25 years, going on 26... They just came back from a vacation together and it made me smile to hear about their adventures, having fun without family stress and sharing moments together.
Everyone grows up in different family situations and that's well... life, but I must admit I am VERY lucky.
Many of my family members have been married for what seems like forever!! (Round of Applause)
It's actually quite inspiring.

I'm hoping one day I'm lucky enough to spend my life with someone for just as many years.
Trust me, I know it is NOT easy, not in the least. It takes commitment, love and mutual understanding.
But getting through it, discovering what life has to offer and having your soul-mate by your side must be the best feeling in the world at the end of the day.
Yes, I realize, times are different. There are more options, people refuse to settle and marriage isn't always the best option for some. Although this is true, (I strongly believe) there is someone for everyone. I also believe that there are situations where divorce is the best option for the sake of children being in an unhealthy environment or where a relationship is abusive in any way.
That being said, my maternal grandparents are going on 50 years and all I could feel is a sense of awe when I see them together, happy in their retirement years living it up. They really believe in the sacred vows that read, "to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part" I witnessed this with my paternal grandmother almost 2 years ago with an upcoming 50th anniversary before the loss of my grandfather. It devastated my grandmother but I know she has no regrets in regards to her life PARTNER.
So this is to them and all the couples sticking together when nowadays its all too common to divorce or find a simpler solution.
I still believe in the sanctity of marriage.
Maybe I have an old-school mentality but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Thank you Mommy & Daddy, Vovós e Vovôs, Aunts & Uncles.
I LOVE YOU beyond words.
It's true. There aren't enough people cherishing each other for LIFE. Like you I hope to be able to spend the rest of my life with someone who loves and cherishes me for who I am and doesn't want to change me.
ReplyDeleteI think you're at a precious advantage in this goal because you grew up with your parents staying together, working out the hard stuff and never giving up on each other/the marriage no matter what. My parents divorced when I was really young and part of me is very scared of marriage because I never saw how a good marriage works! I'm used to my independence. Here's hoping I'll figure it out along the way!
I know you will find the right person Tracy! You're an amazing person, you have a lot to give, and you deserve only the best!!
Much love!
Emily D