So today I was watching Dr. Oz and a very interesting topic came on. One that we as women constantly wonder about or try to ignore despite rumors or gut instincts. Women, its time to stop being fooled because chances are, this isn't the first time. The topic is CHEATING.
Men are letting us know they are cheating, we just have to pay attention.
Non-Verbal Cues:
-You notice changes in his body language and the way he speaks or the tone of his voice. (As per regular)
-Shrugging his shoulders cancels out what he is saying (for example if he is 'trying to defend himself' in an argument)
-He is leaning away from you as he speaks.
People in general face their belly buttons towards people they love/trust so if a man is hiding something from you or lying he will shift his body away from you in a conversation. (The body language expert on Dr. Oz called this 'Navel Intelligence', I thought that was cute, and a way to help us remember this sign.)
Verbal Cues:
These can really fool women because a lot of us are weak when it comes to hearing what our men have to say. We tend to believe them no matter how ridiculous the situation may be. Don't be clouded by his words. Use your judgement! (If you have to; remove yourself from the situation and think about it calmly before continuing.)
-Men who are lying will get angry with you if you question them. (Ex. "What do u mean who is Michelle? You dont have any friends besides you mother and sister why dont you try and get some friends and leave me alone.")
-A man will laugh when questioned about someone they are lying to you about. (Ex. Woman: "Who's this Michelle woman? Man: "What?! ... lol, baby, you know I love you.") A red light should go off here... PAY ATTENTION!
-The statement "I know you think I'm lying..." is a sign he definitely is lying.
-Subsequently, "I know this is gonna sound strange... BUT..." is even more of a tell-tale sign.
Speaking of the word BUT... The words NEVER, BUT and NO are also dangerous in confrontations about other women, cheating or lying. Saying "I'd NEVER do that to you babe." means he probably already has, or will. THIS ONE COMES FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Trust your instinct ladies! If it's also followed by "....you know I love you." all the worse. Sorry, but its true.
-A direct No is his best option at making you believe what he is saying. No fluffing it with too many details and I love you's.
Two other common replies to beware of:
"I'd have to be stupid to do that..."
and "Why would I do that..."
(Open your eyes to variations of this or responses where it seems they believe the world would end before that situation could ever occur.)
Some statistics from the show:
-ONLY 7% of men will admit they are cheating when asked.
-77% of men who cheated have a best friend who cheated. (Sometimes you should pay attention to his male friends and not only females ones.)
-Men who spend a lot of time away from 'home' or constantly become 'busy' all of a sudden are probably cheating on you. Look for things out of the ordinary. If things seem off, they probably are. I mean if he was spending every night with you and then all of a sudden is sleeping at a friends, is out, or wants to sleep in his own bed, that isn't a good sign.
***The important thing to take from this is do not let yourself fall into a trap or a situation where your being played and get completely blindsided. If your man is getting too friendly with a woman and she starts becoming the one who calls late at night while your together and he starts hiding it, she's NOT just a friend. No matter how many times he tells you or how long you've been together. ***
If you've been fooled before, don't be fooled again.
I'm NOT saying all men cheat but I'm also NOT saying they won't.
I truly believe everyone out there has the right one for them. A person whom they can trust and will fulfill their every need. Not 24/7, 365 days a year but then again no one is perfect.
A woman speaks about cheating and feeling no remorse...