To my surprise my winning dress still fits well but my lower body including stomach has gotten larger. I was one of those people that knew the day would come when I couldn't eat all I wanted and not workout and it worked for a while, I cannot lie.
So here I am, 3 years later at 134 pounds, 4 pounds lighter than I was when I recently started really going hard in the gym. But I still have a long way to go. My goal is 117-120 lbs. I'm in the gym 3-4 x a week working on Cardio primarily. (I know I'm doing something right when I'm sweating and out of breath!)
Now the eating is definitely my weakness, my toughest challenge! I love food, all kinds of food and my mother keeps the fridge and pantry well stocked so its all about self-control. I must take control of my own weight and eating habits. I try to make healthy choices and now do not eat after 11:00 pm and although that is still late before I always snacked or ate at inappropriate times. So it's a positive start. I want to be my ideal weight by June and have checked that for my height and age 117-120 is a healthy goal. This is important to keep in mind when placing a weight loss goal.
So here are a few things I'm trying to incorporate into my new lifestyle which includes going to the gym on a regular basis.
1. Drink water. A LOT of water.
While you're working out, before and after meals and when you're not sure if your hungry or not.
2. Reduce your consumption of soft drinks.
For lent I gave up soft drinks and my skin has cleared up and I feel good about my sense of control as I am a Cola lover. I will try to continue this beyond Easter this year as it does positively impact my health.
3. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Hungry? Reach for some baby carrots, an apple, a banana. Quick and easy on the go snacks that are guilt-free.
4. Lower your sugar-intake.
For someone with a sweet tooth like me this can be very difficult. The first step is recognizing how much sugar you add to your diet and again limiting it and making healthier choices.
I am in no way a nutritionist or specialist but I know the above do help in creating a lifestyle change for a healthier you.
I will keep track of my progress on this blog as it is a key part in my preparation for the pageant. Putting it out there will also keep me highly motivated as I am taking responsibility for my actions.
Time to get ready for summer...
Here is a picture of my goal. This is me during the Miss Portugal of Montreal competition in 2008.
LETS DO IT TOGETHER! I know I'm not alone in this... <3