I used to chase what I thought I wanted
with a thirst so strong it slipped right through the grip I held it in.
Now I realize nothing is wrong with who I am on my own,
and why feel the stress and hurt that usually accompanies a relationship.
One that may seem picture perfect yet lack enough substance to last a miniscule portion
of what the people closest to me have proven can be so.
These are the years in which the most learning is done and
yet I kept making the same mistakes.
Live life for it's the only way to know the real you, the true friends and the people who will only leave you with their last breath.
The things you realize alone in the darkness of the night,
after a drunken encounter,
during a repeated mistake or misfortune
and in the clarity of a discussion with a close friend
can open your eyes a way only life lessons could.
I guess what Im trying to say is; you could waste days telling someone the things they should do or how they should act but in the end thats just an opinion.
Time and time again the proof is in the pudding,
a person will only do as they wish WHEN they wish to do so.
Threats, words of wisdom and astrology can only go so far.
Say what you gotta say and move on... Live YOUR life and be there in the moments when things break down because in the end, thats all you really can do.
Because I believe love will find a way... but right now, no stress.