Summer always comes with so many expectations. Where do these expectations come from? Movies? Advertising? Childhood memories? Maybe even just pure human nature.
Movies always portray summer romances, we all know them, the perfect sitting by the beach, sharing ice cream on a port and sitting on the porch holding hands scenes. While it’s true we can’t do all these things in the colder months why is it always accompanied with falling in love faster than usual? I myself have experienced this once because its true, everything is easier and people are in an overall better mood when the sun is shining. Being single in the summer provides a VERY different overall impression, I can’t complain. I do what I want, when I want with whom I want and to top it off I’m living on my own. So far so good!
The same goes for advertising, all we see is beautiful women and handsome men in their swimsuits, lying at the beach with a beer. Sex appeal is the biggest seller in advertising, and who is going to complain? Men love to admire women in short shorts, cleavage showing and in their bikini’s. The same way women love to watch men with their shirts off playing sports or just plain walking downtown.
When you think back to childhood memories, what do you remember? Think about it; camp, water parks and pools, playing with other kids, freezies, water fights and vacation fun with the family. Summer was 2 months of no school and nothing else to worry about, the good old days. *Sigh* Try to let go and do things you did when you were a child you might just be surprised at how much fun you have. Trust me.

I myself feel a lot of pressure to make my summer memorable, especially since I’ve seen way too many pass where I cant remember doing much of anything. Travelling to other countries is usually on my list however, this year I may just stay in Montreal. So this year I vowed to make it different and while I still feel the pressure of time I am successfully doing so. Road trips, days at the beach, hanging out in gazebo’s at night, sipping Sangria by the pool, BBQ's, dairy queen visits and watching the Tam Tam’s at the mountain make a short list of what my friends and I have done thus far. Wait, hold up, it’s already July 12th. How did that happen? I swear it was just May when my grandparents left for their yearly trip to Portugal and I moved into the bachelor to really reap the benefits of summer 2010. I’m trying, I’m trying, but as we all know time waits for nobody.
Summer has not ended, camping plans are in the making, Water Park visits in the near future and birthday events at a friends cottage are sure to make this a success. Speaking of success not to mention Drake’s concert next Sunday. I cannot wait! In any case the end of August will roll around and we’ll soon be suck at work or in classes progressing towards fall and winter. BURRR!
So don’t let summer pass regretting when it’s done the things you could’ve should’ve but didn’t. Because if your like me when its winter time or even just when the wind gets chilly your ALREADY waiting for the hotter months to roll back around. So on your days off from work, or time off from school do what you can to reap the benefits. Summer is my favorite time of year, is it yours?